Settle the meaning in your mind first – Public Speaking

“Settle the meaning in your mind first – Public Speaking”🎙️

You have a speech tomorrow and you are confident to make it a success.

A day before,some speech points must be rolling over in your mind confusing you a bit but here comes the expert in your mind which tells you “Jo hoga Dekha Jayega

(Whatever happens,I will handle it)

Convinced… Haha.. so cool..

Here is the situation;

The meaning of the sequence you are going to share is unclear to you but due to your vast experience you think you will make it and don’t rehearse.

Wrong! It doesn’t work in Public Speaking.

Think that twice, it is like planning for a long drive with a punctured Tyre with high experience of driving. Would you be able to achieve distance?
I’ll leave that for you to decide.

Specific situation or anecdote which you are planning to use in your talk should have its own precise central idea. Once it is clear inside,it can come clear outside.

Settle the meaning in your mind first.

Making Speaking Easy.

Author Sherry

#PublicSpeaking #MicroBlog #MicroPost #MindPower #30SecondsRead#Blog
#AuthorSherry #PublicSpeakingCoach
#MSTalks #MSTalksIndia #bolnesehoga

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Confidence in public speaking

Public Speaking for kids

Public speaking to inspire

Public speaking near me

Public Speaking with confidence

Why public speaking is important

Author Sherry is a Public Speaking Coach in Delhi.

Founder & President
MS Talks India

Lead Trainer,CEO

MS Talks Training & Consulting

Public Speaking Coach,Professional Speaker,TEDx Speaker, Josh Talks Speaker,

Corporate Facilitator,Author,Certified Communication Coach,Certified NLP Practitioner,Certified Life Coach

Delivered more than 100 keynotes in last 4 years of his journey of speaking.

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