How to write a speech?

How to write a speech?

Speech Body and its types:

“Speech body”

It is mainly divided into three parts:

1. Introduction:

You need to gain audience’s attention,engage the listeners and always stay connected to the core message of your speech.

2. Body:

Information part. It contains approximately 75-80% portion of your speech. What you will speak,all the main points clearly stated and supported by anecdotes,practical examples,supporting material and research.

3. Conclusion:

Review your main points and provides closure by ending with a conclusion and call to action for audience again connecting to the core message of your speech.

“Types of Speeches”

Workshop/Informative Speech/Oral Report/Lecture:

Designed to define,clarify,compare,explain,instruct,demonstrate and teach.

Persuasive speech/debates/sales presentations/sermons:

Spoken to inspire,influence,convince,sell products and services,preach or pushing for a particular action.

Evocative speech:

Stand up comedy,celebration talks, helps audience to enjoy like office party or a birthday/family gathering,bond,toast or commemorate.

Impromptu Speech:

To speak on spur on any topic. Follow F.A.T. method.

Feel- Anecdote-Tie back.


Speech given at temples when someone pass away or at funeral. Introduce,share a deeply personal speech, show your concern about the person passed away,thank attendees,show gratitude towards all.

The Storytelling Speech:

Pick stories to connect.It helps creating a zone of quick common understanding using experiences,goals,beliefs,transformation to persuade for action.

Making Speaking Easy.

Author Sherry

#PublicSpeaking #MicroBlog #MicroPost #Speechbody #speechtype #30SecondsRead #Blog#AuthorSherry #PublicSpeakingCoach#MSTalks #MSTalksIndia #bolnesehoga

Picture credits:

how to write a speech

introduction of a speech

why to write a speech

what to write a speech about

how to write a speech with examples

how to write a speech like martin luther king

Author Sherry is a Public Speaking Coach in Delhi.

Founder & President
MS Talks India

Lead Trainer,CEO

MS Talks Training & Consulting

Public Speaking Coach,Professional Speaker,TEDx Speaker, Josh Talks Speaker,

Corporate Facilitator,Author,Certified Communication Coach,Certified NLP Practitioner,Certified Life Coach

Delivered more than 100 keynotes in last 4 years of his journey of speaking.

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