Public speaking was never so easy!

Author and speaker Jim Rohn observed, “You cannot speak that which you do not know. You cannot share that which you do not feel. You cannot translate that which you do not have.And you cannot give that which you do not possess.To give it and to share it, and for it to be effective, you first need to have it.”

That means you first need to live what you teach. That’s an important tip to note.I live and learn more by giving speeches, it gives me the empowerment. I get to know more about the market. Recently, I was with small and medium business owners talking on my favorite topic – Public Speaking.

After my session got over, while networking with a businessman, he confessed that public speaking is essential and I really need to learn to impact more and more people to generate business opportunities.He asked me; Sherry help me understand and share one simple formula to communicate effectively as a speaker so that I can influence more people when I go on the stage.Formula which I gave him was; Think both as a speaker and as an audience.

How audience think about a speaker?

I told him as an audience; If you have attended any workshop/seminar, whether you are aware of it or not, you looked at speaker and podium and internally asked the three key questions;

  1. Can the speaker really teach me and is he worth the topic?
  2. Will the speaker be able to influence the public in the hall?
  3. Does the speaker have effective skills to communicate?

How a speaker think about an audience?

  1. How can I connect with all?
  2. What do I want them to know?
  3. What do I want them to do?

In fact, your attitude often overpowers the words you use when speaking to others. The exact words that you use are sometimes far less important than the energy, intensity, and conviction with which you use them.I give webinars and training sessions to a lot of trainees every month and do personal coaching too. I have found out that even if they are attending my online session from a distant place they feel the warmth when I speak and explain the things to them. It’s true in my case. This is similar when you talk to your friends, relatives from India to Canada,United states, or any other country.People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.

Let me make it more clear with an example;

I am sure you drive a car or seen a lot of people driving cars around you;It looks so simple but a lot of things are expected to be regular and effective for a smooth drive of car on the road. A car should have oil, engine, steering, horn, brakes and many such important parts in order to run on road. Everything goes together to make the car have a fluent run.Art of public speaking is very much like how a car gets ready to launch on the road..The art of communicating beyond words requires the ability to bring all four of those factors together—using the right words with the exact emotion while being intellectually convincing and making the right visual impression. And all this needs to be done with the right tone of voice, the right facial expressions, and positive body language. I know this sounds complicated. And it is. But it’s also intuitive. I want to make clear today that in almost everything we are surrounded with, public speakers and influencers have so much to teach you.

Are you ready to learn?

You are surrounded with many public speakers around you. You met many in your journey and will meet a lot of them ahead. They have superior qualities which can be used in public speaking. When I noticed and analyzed what I am going to share with you just now, even I was shocked. These people exist around us only.Public speaking happens in small and large groups, apart from seminars, workshops with hundreds and thousands of people. Many great speakers improved from group speaking first and then went on becoming specialists in their niche of speaking.With different public speakers around you, public speaking was never so easy.


Introducing some common profiles of public speakers around with my tips of learning I could gather from them;

1. Scripture reader in Sikh Temple

I have grown up attending public reading of scriptures at Sikh temples. The readers pick one or two lines to speak and narrate the Sikh religion history really well. Some readers (paathis) are so influencing and gifted. I have seen strong feelings of acceptance in God by attendees, people literally cry , bow their head in front of almighty (Guru) when they connect to the narrator’s point.

Learning for a speaker: Take one or two main headlines which are enough to do public speaking for 20-60 minutes in front of larger audience.

2. Anchor

Many anchors are great speakers. Best thing I have observed about them is they enjoy what they do. This attitude sets them free within their mind and succor to communicate authentically. Their energy is contagious. Mr.Manish Paul is a great example.

Learning for a speaker: How can you connect with others on common ground if you don’t know and like yourself?

3. Radio jockey (RJ)

RJ’s spreads fun through voice on radio stations by helping reducing stress of listeners by the way they use their throats. They love speedy and meaningful talk. One of my friend Ms. Devika Dutta from All India Radio – Akashvani is an influential Radio Jockey.

Learning for a speaker: Learn to use ‘Voice modulation’ for your success in public speaking.

4. News presenter

Mr.Arnab Goswami, Journalist –Republic TV, is splendid when it comes to persuade though group speaking with dignitaries and celebrities in the news room.

Learning for a speaker: Listening is as important as speaking for public speaking success.

5. Spiritual Teacher

Few years ago, I visited a place Anand Dham Ashram in New Delhi and met a Hindu spiritual teacher – Shri Sudhanshu ji maharaj. While attending his session, I found out that he is a great storyteller. He has good understanding of Ayurveda products and he spoke about how people got relieved from health problems by using Ayurveda medicines of his brand. Post session, many people end up buying products of his owned brand –Yugrishi. Many other spiritual teachers who do public speaking at large leverage it for other bonafide purposes. Shri Gaur Gopal Das is another good example of an effective public speaker with a similar background.

Learning for a speaker: Storytelling is the one of the key tools for public speaking success.

6. Coaching faculty

12 years back, I was preparing for Railway examination to crack government job. I have fond memories of a popular coaching class faculty in Subhash nagar,New delhi. He used to teach 200 students in one time. The simple formula he used in teaching and speaking;

Explaining tough logics using familiar examples which is easy to grasp.

Making student laugh and smile in between to keep the atmosphere lighter.

Making average and below average students feel comfortable through engagement.

Result – Many average and below average students students cleared the examination and got government jobs with decent salaries and used to come to meet him with gifts, sweet boxes to take his blessings.

Learning for a speaker: Use 10th grade student language to convey your message for public speaking success.

7. Sales leaders

Since, I have a sales job background, I have learnt a lot of from other sales leaders whom I have worked with. They know exactly how to convert a ‘no’ to a ‘yes’; using supreme speaking skills. They are inquisitive to earn and get fame. Some of the top management bosses I have worked with, I found them to be wonderful public speakers especially when they are addressing larger teams in town hall meetings and award nights.

Learning for a speaker: Confidence is a key source for your personal success and public speaking gives you extreme confidence.

Now, its your turn to share what kind of speakers have influence you and helped you in any way.
Write their names in the comment box and learning for me.
I would love to learn from your experience.

PS -All the original images used in the blog belongs to the original creators.

We have used the images to show reference to the context of the point.

Author Sherry is a Public Speaking Coach in Delhi.

Founder & President
MS Talks India

Lead Trainer,CEO
MS Talks Training & Consulting

Public Speaking Coach,Professional Speaker,TEDx Speaker, Josh Talks Speaker,
Corporate Facilitator,Author,Certified Communication Coach,Certified NLP Practitioner,Certified Life Coach
Delivered more than 100 keynotes in last 4 years of his journey of speaking.

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