Public Speaking is about using entire body

“Public Speaking is about using entire body”

If you are planning to deliver a spectacular speech,consider this advice.

Public Speaking is a whole body affair.

#Head: Memorize with rehearsal of your speech and you will feel more confident in front of the audience.

#Mouth: Speak using intonation,stress on key words will help engage with your audience. Remember, silence is a fantastic tool.

#Hands: Use and orchestrate hands gestures strategically to make your message meaningful.

#Eyes: Use it to engage and let audience feel that you are talking to each one of them. Avoid excess blink of your eyes as it conveys a confused state of mind.

#Ears: Listen to the mood of your audience,feel if and adjust your expression likewise. Listening is as important as speaking to impress your audience.

#Back: Stand-up position with your back in symmetry will make you appear professional, authentic and dynamic.

#Legs: Don’t cross,sway or shuffle your legs while speaking else you will appear nervous or disinterested in your talk. Plan your leg movement in advance.

Public Speaking is a whole body affair.

Making Speaking Easy.

Author Sherry

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#PublicSpeaking #MicroBlog #MicroPost #BodyAffair #30SecondsRead #Blog
#AuthorSherry #PublicSpeakingCoach
#MSTalks #MSTalksIndia #bolnesehoga

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Author Sherry is a Public Speaking Coach in Delhi.

Founder & President
MS Talks India

Lead Trainer,CEO

MS Talks Training & Consulting

Public Speaking Coach,Professional Speaker,TEDx Speaker, Josh Talks Speaker,

Corporate Facilitator,Author,Certified Communication Coach,Certified NLP Practitioner,Certified Life Coach

Delivered more than 100 keynotes in last 4 years of his journey of speaking.

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