Public Speaking is a Risk

Public Speaking is a Risk!!

The sooner you realize it, the better it is for you.

Fear of public speaking is a common form of anxiety.

But with preparation and persistence, you can overcome your fear.

Public speaking is about taking a risk if you wish to take it to another level.

Hey! Being Risky is the New Authentic!

I know and live what I am saying. The lesson in all of this for public speakers is that sometimes, you have to take a risk if you want to take your speaking to the next level.

Recently, I was invited for a power talk at Professional Speakers Chapter – Toastmasters International, New Delhi, India and I chose a topic which was outside my comfort cos I have never delivered any speech on that topic – “Power of Story Science” and it paid off and I have got ravishing response by the fellow professional speakers out there.

Taking risks isn’t easy as it sounds. It’s not comfortable frankly. But that is precisely where your biggest opportunities for growth are: beyond our comfort zone. So, if you’ve been playing it safe with your speeches and presentations, maybe it’s time to take a chance and do something different.

While listening to other professional speakers at the event, yet again I realized how important it is being a listener. You tune in other minds,get inspiration and learn through them so much.

I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.

— Ernest Hemingway

Here are my quick tips if you wish to be uncomfortable to learn and explore within you;

For example:

  • Speak to an audience that is different from your usual audience.
  • Give a presentation without slides, you will feel bold.
  • Be more vulnerable on stage, it is about being you always.
  • Tell more stories, don’t miss out sharing them.
  • Interact with the audience, they are expecting that many times.

These are just suggestions. What feels risky for one speaker will feel fine for another.

You know what feels like a risk for you. That’s the direction you should go. Just that.

Author Sherry is a Public Speaking Coach in Delhi.

Founder & President
MS Talks India
Lead Trainer,CEO
MS Talks Training & Consulting
Public Speaking Coach,Professional Speaker,TEDx Speaker, Josh Talks Speaker,
Corporate Facilitator,Author,Certified Communication Coach,Certified NLP Practitioner,Certified Life Coach
Delivered more than 100 keynotes in last 4 years of his journey of speaking.

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